Our Book

Providing Personal, Professional Legal Services

Your Guide to Separating Happily

Over the many years of working on divorce, custody and other family law cases, we have come up with our own approach to a stress-free resolution. We use it with our clients all the time, but in 2014 we poured our knowledge into this book that we called Happily Separating. We did this so that separating couples (married or unmarried) all over the world could follow our proven methods and make smarter decisions during divorce and child custody mediation or litigation.

Through stories, advice and life lessons, this book will teach you about:

  • How to focus on the positives and brush off the negatives
  • How to organize your efforts
  • How to use your time efficiently
  • How to protect your children and preserve your lifetime assets
  • How to hire the right lawyer
  • The keys to a stress-free divorce or split

You can purchase it in either digital or paperback format through Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Or if you would like a signed copy, feel free to contact us directly.


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