Factors that Can Complicate a Divorce

Providing Personal, Professional Legal Services

Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged process that involves the dissolution of a marriage and the division of assets, responsibilities, and often custody of children. While some divorces proceed relatively smoothly, there are several factors that can complicate the process, making it more challenging and time-consuming. Let’s explore some of the common factors that can complicate a divorce and shed light on the importance of seeking professional guidance during this difficult time.



High Conflict and Emotional Strain

One of the most significant factors that can complicate a divorce is a high level of conflict between the divorcing spouses. Ongoing disputes, unresolved issues, and emotional strain can make it difficult for parties to communicate and reach agreements. When emotions run high, it is essential to have a calm and rational perspective, which can be facilitated by working with experienced divorce attorneys or mediators who can help navigate the complexities and guide negotiations.


Disagreements Over Child Custody

Child custody is often one of the most contentious issues in a divorce. Disagreements regarding custody arrangements, visitation rights, and decision-making authority can complicate the process significantly. Courts prioritize the best interests of the child when making custody determinations, and various factors such as the child’s age, preferences, and the parents’ ability to provide a stable environment, are considered. Resolving child custody disputes may require the involvement of child custody evaluators or even litigation, further complicating the divorce proceedings.


Division of Marital Assets

Another factor that can complicate a divorce is the division of marital assets. When couples have accumulated significant assets, including real estate, investments, businesses, or retirement accounts, determining how these assets should be divided can be challenging. Complex financial situations, such as hidden assets or complex business structures, may require the involvement of forensic accountants or other financial experts to ensure a fair and equitable distribution.


Spousal Support and Alimony

Spousal support, also known as alimony, can be a contentious issue in divorce cases. Determining whether one spouse is entitled to receive support and the appropriate amount and duration of payments can complicate negotiations. Factors such as the length of the marriage, the income disparity between the spouses, and the ability of the receiving spouse to become financially independent are considered. Disputes over spousal support may require the assistance of financial experts and legal professionals to present a compelling case for either party.


Legal Complexities and Paperwork

Divorce proceedings involve a significant amount of paperwork and legal procedures. Meeting court deadlines, filing the necessary documents accurately, and complying with legal requirements can be overwhelming, especially for individuals unfamiliar with the legal system. Mistakes or omissions in paperwork can further complicate the process and result in delays or adverse outcomes. Working with an experienced divorce attorney can alleviate this burden, ensuring that all legal procedures are followed correctly.


Here for You at Every Step of the Way

Divorce is rarely a straightforward process, and several factors can complicate the proceedings. But here at Billian Law, we’re here for you at every stage of the process. Whether you’re dealing with a simple, amicable divorce or a complicated, stressful one, we’re here to provide guidance, knowledgeable legal advice, and strong legal representation. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help. 

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