How to choose the right divorce lawyer for you

Providing Personal, Professional Legal Services

Going through a divorce can be one of the most arduous and difficult times in your life. While some couples are able to settle amicably with limited litigation, others go through long and intricate court proceedings. Trying to go through a divorce without your own personal divorce attorney isn’t a wise move. Alan Billian has years of experience providing divorce lawyer services throughout Maryland, and we wanted to take a little time today to talk about how you can find the correct divorce attorney for you.

Are You and Your Spouse Still Amicable?

If you and your significant other can still sit in a room and talk, then you’ve already got a leg up on a lot of other couples. If you and your spouse are willing to work together, you won’t need to spend as much time in court, and instead most of your time will be spent ironing out details.

While it is possible to go through this process without a Maryland divorce attorney, this is usually a mistake and having a knowledgeable and experienced attorney’s help can speed the process up and help both parties understand every aspect of the divorce. 

Will any assets need to be sold? Are there custody issues? Have a Joint Bank Account? By working with an experienced divorce attorney in Maryland, all of these questions, and more, can be written out in a legally binding way.

Every Divorce is Unique

There certainly are similarities between divorces, but no two are completely alike. Every human on the planet is different, and every relationship is different, so when a relationship ends you should seek a Maryland divorce attorney who will take the time to give your case the attention it deserves.


Alan Billian has over 30 years of dedicated experience working on divorce law cases, a five-star rating on, and offers 30 minute initial consultations. This consultation will be the perfect time to discuss the unique aspects of your case.

Work with a Trusted Maryland Divorce Lawyer

If you’re going through a divorce right now and need some counsel, or if you’re preparing to go through a divorce, get in contact with a professional and trusted divorce attorney in Maryland. Get in contact with Alan Billian today to discuss your options and to schedule your free consultation!

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