How to Navigate Co-parenting During the Holidays

Providing Personal, Professional Legal Services

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us! Even though things may look a little different this year, this is the time for joy and excitement. The last thing you want to do is argue with an ex-spouse about your children. It puts your children in a difficult situation and takes away from the holiday spirit. If you and your ex-spouse have had difficulties co-parenting during the holidays or if you’re new to co-parenting, keep reading to see what you can do to make it easier during this time.

1. Prioritize Your Children

Every decision you make should benefit the kids. People who co-parent well always make decisions that are best for their children, rather than for themselves. Ensure that whatever you and your co-parent decide to do, that the children are enjoying themselves and connecting with their family. 

2. Plan Ahead

A lot of conflicts can be avoided by planning ahead. Will you and your co-parent alternate holidays? Will your children spend part of a holiday at one house then go to the other? Have these conversations with your co-parent early on to gain clarity and avoid any unwanted surprises. Once the two of you develop a plan, try your best to stick to it. A MD child custody lawyer can help you make a clear and concise parenting plan. 

3. Be Flexible 

Even when you and your co-parent make a plan, things are bound to change. Maybe your kid gets sick. Maybe an emergency came up. Anything can happen and it’s up to both parents to have some level of flexibility. Being flexible, even if it’s just a little bit, can help make the holidays more enjoyable for everyone.  

4. Take Time for Yourself

There is usually so much to do during the holiday. Even though you love your kids, it’s okay to want some time to yourself. When you don’t have the kids, take some time to do things you like such as a spa day, reading, and more. The better you care for yourself, the better you can care for yourself and navigate co-parenting. 

Let Alan Billian Help Keep the Holidays Enjoyable

Navigating co-parenting on your own can be difficult, especially if you and your ex-spouse don’t get along. That’s why you can benefit from hiring a reputable family lawyer, such as Alan Billian. Whether you need our help in the courtroom or outside of it, Alan Billian is always here to help you with child custody issues. Call or contact us today to learn more. 

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