Taking Care of Yourself During Divorce

Providing Personal, Professional Legal Services

Divorce is a difficult process that can be very long and exhausting for all parties involved. One thing that people going through a divorce often forget is that they must tend to themselves throughout the process in order to get through it in as healthy of a manner as possible.

self-care during divorce

Here are some helpful tips in practicing self-care when you’re going through a divorce:

Spend time with loved ones. Whether you’re heartbroken or relieved as a result of your divorce, it’s vital to keep connected with your other family members and friends. It’s easy to isolate yourself while going through a difficult or stressful time, but you should stay as social as you’re comfortable with and be open to compassion and care from loved ones.

Get enough sleep. It’s not uncommon for the stress or heartbreak from a divorce to keep you up at night, tossing and turning. There is likely a lot on your mind, and it can be pretty difficult to fully relax. However, when you are deprived of restful sleep, it can make navigating the divorce process more strenuous and make you feel worse. If necessary, discuss options for better sleep with your primary care physician.

Join a group. Another helpful way to ensure you do not isolate yourself during the process of a divorce is to meet or talk with other individuals who either know what you are going through or are currently experiencing a similar situation as you are. It can be a church group, men’s group, women’s group, or any other type of gathering that brings people together and offers healing, help, compassion, or even fun.

Diet and exercise. We’re not insinuating that you’re out of shape, but a healthy diet of essential nutrients can do wonders for mental and emotional health. Getting out of the house and moving around is also known to lower stress and anxieties that you may feel while going through your divorce. Not a gym-goer? Here are some things you can try that will allow you to get some exercise and have fun doing it:

  • Join a yoga class
  • Go for daily walks
  • Learn to salsa dance
  • Visit a park in a nearby town
  • Join a recreational sports league

Don’t Be Afraid to Consult a Divorce Attorney in Maryland

Alan Billian is a divorce and family lawyer with over 27 years of dedicated experience in his field. He knows how stressful and difficult it can be to have family troubles and is dedicated to providing his clients with empathetic, professional, and personal legal assistance to ease the process. Reach out today for a free consultation.

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