What to Discuss When You Consult with a Divorce Lawyer

Providing Personal, Professional Legal Services

When you make the decision to get a divorce, your first step is finding a professional and compassionate divorce lawyer to work with. Once you’ve scheduled a consultation with a legal expert in Maryland, it’s important to prepare yourself for the meeting. Planning for what you want and need to discuss is key to saving time and money, and will help you and your lawyer get a solid start on the divorce process.

divorce attorney

Take a look at our checklist of items you should prepare to discuss (if they apply to you or your case) when you meet with a divorce attorney in Carroll County.

What to Talk About

We’ve put together this list so that you can ensure you cover all of your bases when discussing your divorce case with your Maryland attorney. Although the right divorce lawyer will be thorough and prepared with questions for you so that he or she can best represent you and lead your case, it’s important to consider the following so that you can get an idea of all that your divorce will involve:

☐ Entitlement to spousal support, the amount you are seeking, and for how long you are seeking support.

☐ Eligibility for continued healthcare coverage via COBRA.

☐ Current property, vehicles, and other assets that you and your spouse own together or separately.

☐ Banking and financial information, including checking accounts, savings accounts, stocks, bonds, etc.

☐ Living arrangements (current and future).

☐ Equity in your home.

☐ Concerns relating to children of the marriage:

☐ Custody you are seeking (Legal/Physical, Joint or Sole).

☐ Health and dental insurance.

☐ Children’s current residence.

☐ Request for child support.

☐ Child care needs.

☐ Beneficiaries on parents’ life insurance policies.

☐ Any wills or estate plans in place.

☐ Family business.

☐ Any crimes that have occurred, including:

☐ Domestic violence

☐ Child abuse

☐ Parental kidnapping

☐ Legal fees and expenses

☐ Changing your name after divorce

It’s also helpful to make a list of questions you have for your divorce attorney that are specific to you and your spouse’s divorce.

What Documents to Bring

In addition to the things you will want to discuss with your Carroll County divorce attorney, you’ll also want to bring any important documents with you that will be useful to your case. These documents may include:

  • Proof of your income (and your partner’s income, if you have access)
  • Prenuptial agreement (if it exists)
  • Separation agreement
  • Individual and business income tax returns
  • Pension statements
  • Certificates of deposit
  • Trusts
  • Mortgage
  • Property tax statements
  • Loan documents
  • Insurance policies (life, auto, homeowners, business)
  • Lists of:
    • property owned by each spouse prior to marriage
    • inheritances or gifted properties during the marriage

If you have documents not mentioned in this list that you believe are important to your case, bring them with you to your consultation or ask your divorce attorney when you schedule your meeting if they would be helpful to bring with you to the consult.

Looking for a Divorce Attorney in Carroll County, MD?

Alan Billian has over 28 years of experience in family and divorce law and gives each of his clients the compassionate and expert advice they need to successfully navigate the divorce process. For more information or to schedule your consultation to discuss all of the above, contact us today.

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