What To Do if You Think You Want a Divorce

Providing Personal, Professional Legal Services

If you’ve had difficulties in your marriage, the idea of divorce has likely crossed your mind. It’s important to know if these difficulties are resolvable. It’s important to consider divorce as your last option. Here are some things to think through before getting serious about ending your marriage.

What To Do if You Think You Want a Divorce

Temporary Speed-bumps

There are many speed-bumps along the journey of marriage which can undoubtedly cause a strain on the relationship. Anything from job loss, deaths in the family, or a change in philosophy on religion or child raising. There are countless issues which can cause conflicting feelings in your marriage.

Take a look at your relationship’s past – have you made it through difficult times successfully before? If so, there are options other than divorce that can help both spouses cope with difficult times and avoid a dissolution of the marriage. Marital counseling and support groups can help mend what is broken in your marriage and make it stronger in the long run.


Spousal infidelity is a deal-breaker for many people. If you have reason to believe your spouse is cheating, and there’s no chance you’d forgive the behavior, always contact a Maryland divorce attorney before confronting your spouse.

By contacting a lawyer first, you can receive advice on what appropriate steps to take. It’s not uncommon for someone to confront their partner right away and the discussion turns south or leads to additional damage (financial, familial, etc.).

Irreconcilable Differences

Other times, it might be a mutual agreement where both you and your spouse believe you have grown apart and should go your separate ways. Even if this agreement is mutual and you believe the divorce can occur in a civil manner, it’s still important to speak with your Maryland divorce lawyer first. This will afford you the ability to clearly and accurately establish the terms of the divorce (child support, who gets the house, finances, property, etc.).

How the Divorce Process Works

1. A separation agreement can sometimes be drafted to establish a fair division of property, assets, and responsibilities.
2. If you and your spouse cannot reach agreement through negotiations, or through legal mediation, the divorce can move to a contested divorce posture.
3. Grounds for divorce are determined between you and your lawyer.
4. You will file a Complaint for Divorce and it will be served to your spouse.
5. Your spouse has 30 days to respond to the complaint (confirming or denying it, or filing a counter-complaint).
6. You and your lawyer will work to document and prove the selected grounds for divorce.

Looking for an experienced legal professional to help you with your divorce? Alan L. Billian, P.A. is a Maryland family law attorney providing legal assistance to those considering divorce all throughout the state. For a free consultation, give us a call at 410-889-5500 today!

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