At What Point Should I Contact a Lawyer for Divorce?

At What Point Should I Contact a Lawyer for Divorce

Making the decision to pursue a divorce is one of the most significant and emotionally challenging choices a person can face. Whether you’re contemplating divorce or have already decided to proceed, seeking legal counsel early in the process can be crucial to protecting your rights and interests. Here are some key indicators of when it’s […]

Communication & Co-Parenting

Unless you and your ex-partner have an amicable separation, co-parenting can be a highly frustrating and emotional task. Your children are already going through a tough time due to their parents’ breakup, so it’s vital to the wellness of each member of your family that you and your ex find ways to co-parent in a […]

Keeping Things Civil During a Divorce

If you’re going through a divorce, it’s likely that you and your ex-partner are not on the best terms with one another. There are cases where a divorce is a mutual agreement between two people who are amicable and have agreed in a civil manner that the separation is the right decision, but many times couples […]

Are You Allowed to Use Social Media During a Divorce?

In today’s world, it’s hard to go even a single day without getting on social media. Whether you use it to check up on relatives and friends, post about your day, or otherwise, it’s important to approach social media with caution when you’re going through the process of your divorce. Although you are legally allowed […]

Can You Get a Divorce Without a Lawyer?

Signing Divorce Papers

We live in a DIY culture where independence is prioritized over all things and people are encouraged to take their lives into their own hands. Though this may be a reasonable approach for things like baking a fancy cake or making your own lampshades, not all activities will benefit from a little internet research and […]

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